With the January 1, 2019 implementation of SB 1343, the new California sexual harassment training mandate means that nearly all businesses in the state will be required to conduct company-wide harassment prevention trainings and updated employee complaint processes. Are you prepared?

For decades, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”) set statewide policies against sexual harassment and discrimination, including harassment of employees directly by the employer or indirectly by supervisors and other employees.  In 2005, the law was updated to require employers with 50+ employees to conduct supervisor training and education programs on the topic of sexual harassment prevention in the workplace.  Now, those laws have evolved once again.

What Managers Need to Know About SB 1343

The 2005 expansion to California sexual harassment training mandates were an important step towards creating a safer and more inclusive culture in medium and large businesses across the state.  SB1343 brings that progress into small businesses and expands the requirements for all.

Here are some of the highlights you should know (note – this is not an extensive list of all changes): 

  • The law now applies to organizations with 5 or more employees (instead of 50).
  • Supervisors must receive (at least) 2 hours of training every two years.
  • Non-supervisory employees must receive (at least) 1 hour of training every two years.
  • These California sexual harassment training mandates apply to permanent and temporary/seasonal employees.

The goal is to ensure all Californians can enjoy work environments that are free of sexual harassment, including harassment based on gender, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

What You Need to Do to Become Compliant with SB 1343

The new mandates took effect on January 1, 2019, and businesses have one year to become compliant.  In other words, by December 31, 2019, you need to have:

  • Completed all required trainings for supervisors and employees
  • Posted the latest legally mandated posters regarding discrimination and harassment
  • Updated your company policies and employee handbook to reflect the new laws
  • And possibly more (depending on your unique business needs)

At California Labor Solutions, we offer Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for supervisors and non-supervisory employees (in English and with Spanish translations).

Get Expert HR Guidance on the New California Sexual Harassment Training Mandate

Trusted in the community since 2007, CaliforniaLabor Solutions LLC (CLS) is a specialized HR consulting firm – based out of Orange County, California – that offers comprehensive, personalized, and scalable outsourcing services designed to grow with your evolving needs.

Boutique-style attention with large-firm expertise.  We’re committed to delivering a level of skill and range of services that would otherwise be financially out of reach to many small businesses. In a nutshell, we provide premium HR services at affordable prices.