The number of remote workers in the next five years is expected to nearly double compared to the pre-pandemic state. Companies like Dropbox, Spotify, or Slack are letting their employees work remotely forever, while other organizations are adopting hybrid work models.

Working remotely is on the rise and slowly becoming the new normal, which means the need for organizations to provide quality remote training and webinars is even more apparent.


What is Webinar Training?

Webinar training is a web-based seminar that, unlike a video call or web conference, allows hosts to connect with hundreds or even thousands of attendees and/or employees simultaneously.

Like in-person seminars, training webinars use slideshows, guest speakers, screen sharing, question-and-answer sessions, video, and other aids to cater to keep attendees engaged.

Why Choose Webinar Training?

If planned and executed successfully, the benefits of remote training are great and will extend company-wide.

Here are just a few of the many benefits you can expect:


On-site training sessions can be expensive and sometimes logistically impossible. There’s also the potential cost of venue, the food and beverages, handouts, and traveling costs.

Webinars help employers and employees save money and time. Remote training is a more affordable option since it eliminates or significantly minimizes all of these costs, which is why more organizations are moving toward this training approach.

Interactivity and Flexibility

Webinars offer the perfect platform for employees, staff and executives to interact. Webinars allow in-house and remote employees to access all training materials and documents anytime, and anywhere. This saves time and allows everyone to be on the same page.

Increases Productivity and Engagement

Providing your remote employees with relevant trainings helps build their skills and knowledge and ultimately, increase their productivity. Also, a significant benefit of remote training is the ability to revisit the training numerous times and in different formats.

You’d think that not being together in a physical location would decrease engagement levels when training, but when webinars are set up properly, they can actually increase engagement from employees, especially those who may not be as confident as others.

You can easily explain difficult concepts with a presentation, whiteboard and screen sharing, use polls and surveys, and allow Q&A chats.

Keep track

It’s easier to keep track of who attends. With just a click, find out who attended, how many left the training, and other stats.

Also, allows managers to identify potential leaders based on their attitude and interactions during the training.

Improve Employee Retention Rate

Remote training prevents employees from being left behind by ensuring continuous learning & development, which is beneficial for both employees and the organization.

If remote employees are offered plenty of training opportunities to learn and develop within their role and the wider organization, they are more likely to feel appreciated, part of the team, and want to remain within your organization. What’s more, as they learn new skills, their confidence will grow, leading to higher motivation and performance within their role.

Most Popular HR Trainings:

Webinar training gives HR teams and managers the chance to cover a wide range of subjects. Some of the most popular HR trainings webinars are:

– Company Policies
– Compliance
– Company Culture and Branding
– Sexual Harrassment Prevention Training
– Supervisor/Manager Training
– EEO and Diversity Training

We offer onsite training and webinar formats, both interactive, which teach relevant skills to improve your employees’ performance and bring you into compliance with legal requirements.