It’s a competitive world, and businesses need to be creative in finding ways to stand out from the competition.  That means optimizing productivity, increasing employee engagement, and maximizing customer satisfaction in every way you can – but where do you start?  Employee performance management strategies are increasingly becoming the gold standard for business owners and executives who are serious about achieving success.

According to Gallup’s 2017 report, State of the American Workplace, only 33% of employees are “engaged” at work – while the most successful companies across the globe experience engagement rates closer to 70%.  When asked how they bridged the gap, many of those business leaders point to performance management techniques.


What Is Employee Performance Management?

It’s a management methodology that focuses on open communication, ongoing constructive feedback, skill development, and goal achievement.  The goal is to develop more of a “coaching” atmosphere – where employees feel empowered to reach their full potential.

Some highlights of an employee performance management model include:

  • Identifying and defining expectations between managers and employees.
  • Aligning each employee’s responsibilities and daily tasks with key business objectives.
  • Setting goals and regularly discussing progress.
  • Focusing on ways in which each employee can develop his/her skills.
  • Discussing areas that need improvement and celebrating accomplishments.
  • Reviewing results often – both formally and informally.

What Are the Benefits for Your Team?

When productive feedback is offered in real-time, it removes a great deal of the discomfort and pressure associated with annual or semi-annual reviews – but, more importantly, it fosters stronger relationships between employees and supervisors.

Some benefits of implementing performance management processes include:

  • Improved employee retention rates
  • Less time wasted on micro-managing
  • Influx of new ideas and perspectives
  • Reduction in misunderstandings and confusion
  • Greater alignment throughout the organization

How Do We Adopt This New Mentality?

Incorporating employee performance management programs in your organization begins with properly training your management team on the new strategies and concepts.

Then, you’ll need to work with your executive and HR teams to reassess and recreate the company’s policies and best practices.  Any new processes should be clearly defined in your employee handbook, and a company-wide training should be conducted to ensure each employee understands the new approach and the reasons behind the change.

Let the Experts at CLS Lead the Way

Trusted in the community since 2007, California Labor Solutions LLC (CLS) is a specialized HR consulting firm – based out of Orange County, California – that offers comprehensive, personalized, and scalable outsourcing services designed to grow with your evolving needs.

As Founder and CEO of CLS, Shawn Larry takes a solutions-driven approach to human resources – working to inspire confidence in the CEOs and managers who depend on his leadership.  In addition to 20+years of experience in the field, Shawn has achieved many credentials and recognitions, including a J.D. from UOP-McGeorge Law School; California Private Investigator License; Certified Mediator; Senior Professional in Human Resources Certification (by HR Certification Institute); and Senior Certified HR Professional (by International Public Management Association).